Effervescence is an 8-track acousmatic composition.
Effervescence is a music thought of as a living tissue, that is to say as a sum of interactions, fleeting and fleeting like listening... Effervescence is a form that is part of the principle of variation, where the line is replaced by a dynamic process: a behavior... Effervescence is a material more kneaded than transformed, oscillating between materialistic physics and physiological contingencies, between gravity and levitation... Effervescence is a methodical exploration around the gesture, trace of a vertiginous human reality: rich, complex, contradictory, paradoxical… Effervescence is a preponderance of rhythm as a relation to becoming…
Effervescence composed at the Arsis-thesis studio was created in Akousma (GRM, Paris) and benefited from the support of the Ministry of the French Community of Belgium - Directorate General of Culture.