Du rythme, des voix

Sous titre

Both a percussionist and a composer, I like to shake things up, I like to hit things hard, I like ideas and creativity. 
My music is filled with the rhythm I live with every day, inspired by a distant culture, an original composition or a 'sound' playlisted on Tidal (a streaming platform). 
In fact, rhythm is everywhere. Did you doubt it? 
For this concert, I'm planning a programme of surprises, discoveries and a multitude of sounds. Percussion will be very much in evidence, because the desire to play is stronger than anything else. Friendship will also be in the mix, with a surprise guest. Rhythm, meanwhile, will be the guiding thread, the heartbeat, the language and even the commitment'. 


Pauline Oreins, piano. 
Trio O3: Lydie Thonnard, Léna Kollmeier, Eugénie Defraigne. 
GUEST Composition: Sami Strazimiri. 
Max Charue, percussion.
