Festival LOOP 13 - Insectarium

L'insectarium by Virginie Tasset - Show for young audiences

Piano à 4 mains by the Haelix duo (Sophie Vindrios and Marion Maurel)

Actresses: Victoria Lewuillon and Astrid Akay

INSECTARIUM is a collection of modern fables whose heroines are... insects. From the weightless spider to the mountaineering caterpillar, from the worker ant to the nostalgic dragonfly, each story drawn from their daily lives deals with themes of our times: the relationship to work, the question of ownership, racism, cohabitation between living beings, the place of imagination...

INSECTARIUM is also a musical composition whose main instrument is the piano. But not just any piano! The poor thing is opened up, laid bare and diverted from its its ordinary techniques. Pianists Marion Maurel and Sophie Vindrios (who form the duo Hælix) percussion, caressing, plucking, rubbing and tickling the strings, keyboard and body body to suggest action, evoke the rustle of a wing, the weave of a web or the frenetic rhythm rhythm of the factory.

The texts, in dialogue with the music, are read by Victoria Lewuillon and Astrid Akay, actresses and co-authors of the work.
At the instigation of composer Virginie Tasset, who also conceived and wrote the project the quartet met and the piece took shape, giving birth to a musical-theatrical a poetic musical-theatrical creation in which we feel empathy for the adventures of these little creatures, often considered undesirable.
The score for INSECTARIUM is published by the Forum de la Création Musicale. It is intended for young pianists, from a few years of practice upwards.
The INSECTARIUM show, on the other hand, is aimed at children (aged 7 to 77) and fans of hybrid music.
