Mixed electronic music
Electroacoustic music
« Very suddenly there came back to my soul motion and sound -- the tumultuous motion of the heart, and, in my ears, the sound of its beating. Then a pause in which all is blank. Then again sound, and motion, and touch -- a tingling sensation pervading my frame. »
« The pit and the pendulum », Edgar Allan Poe.
Pendula-Anima explores the dynamic of pendulum movements. It revisits archetypes linked to time, space and the body, mainly using cello and voice sounds.
Cello creation : Sigrid Vandenbogaerde
Premiere on the 15th November 2014 at the Brgittines, Brussels (BE).
Commissioned by the Ars Musica Festival, with the support of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Direction Générale de la Culture, Service de la Musique.
Line up
Cello + Octophonic (8-Channel) Electroacoustic and Live Electronics interactions
Date de création
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