Mira and Mireille lead a perfectly peaceful life. Digging galleries, building and dismantling. In the
underground, the moles find their way.
When they find themselves suddenly evicted from their homes following the construction of a
supermarket, there's only one solution: mobilise!
Together with Max Charue and Aurélien Dony, we have set ourselves the goal of writing a contemporary, committed, ecological and poetic tale that is committed to our fight for life and the planet.
We need to sharpen our pens and find the right word, the one that, carried or set to music, will find its way to the heart, the one singularly capable of opening up the horizon of action, awareness and commitment. In many ways, this is a truly challenging project. Especially when it comes to addressing young people - and even more so when it comes to tackling the ecological crisis in a world on fire.
More than ever, poetry (and art in general) is being called upon by scientists of all stripes to raise public awareness of the climate issues of our time. From Aurélien Barreau and Cyril Dion to Vinciane Despret and Marielle Macé, poets and ‘artists’ are being called upon to join forces in a poetic struggle to repopulate our imaginations and open the way to new utopias, to worlds where defeat and ruin are not the only promises whispered in the ears of those who would fight to make things different.
Max Charue questions each of his compositions. Is it anchored in its time? Is a piece legitimate without a minimum of spirit, a fight for a cause or some universal consideration? Is composing a commitment to tomorrow?
Lost between good words, the desire to take the plunge and find the right weapons for his fight, in the present from now on, the creative legitimacy of the young adult gives way to the urgent need to compose, to comment on the world, to dream it more beautiful than it is. So writing a tale, telling a story, taking hold of the narrative, becomes a matter of course!
Aurélien Dony: original text
Max Charue: music, artistic direction and actor
Kamel Benac: director
Emmanuelle Musset: assistant director
Julie Debaene: lighting design and set design
Ensemble 21 musicians:
Pauline Oreins: accordion
Kaja Farszky: percussion
Merryl Havard Alexandre: cello
Benjamin Maneyrol: clarinets
With the support of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles/Officiel, Columban - Espace de Cultures, Ensemble21 asbl, Forum de la création musicale