Voices Part IV - Hallucinations

Electroacoustic music
Acousmatic music

In the cycle “Voices“, “Voices Part IV – Hallucinations” continues the exploration of the human voice, its resonances and transformations. Journeys through intuitions and analogies, disruptions of the senses and phantasmagoria with the words of the French poet Arthur Rimbaud, taken mainly from “A season in Hell” and inspired by the letters known as “of the Visionary”.

The work with François Vaiana, founding member of the Brussels Vocal Project, uses a wide variety of digital processing, both in real time at the moment of recording, with auditory feedback for the singer, and after recording.

In particular, it takes advantage of the multiple possibilities offered by a proprietary analysis-resynthesis software, enabling partials to be extracted and resynthesized in a multichannel sound space, with various waveforms and modulated phase distortions. Processes for selecting and modifying the frequency of individual partials enable the generation of a continuum of textures ranging from inharmonic sonorities to quasi-orchestral inflections that unfold in space.


Voices Part IV – Hallucinations was composed at ARTeM studio with support from the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Direction générale de la culture, Service de la musique) and premièred on the 14th of February 2024 at Bozar in Brussels, Belgium, in the framework of the Belgian Music Days.

Voice : François Vaiana

Line up
16-Channel, 12-Channel, 8-Channel (Octophonic) or Stereophonic Media
Date de création