Lointain intérieur
Monographic edition bringing together four acousmatic works composed between 2016 and 2020
‘Peregrinations of a small sphere caught up in time’.
The theme of wandering. An erratic journey that, through a shaky writing style, traces an undulating movement
of hesitation. The paths don't end, fade away, reappear elsewhere.
A tangle of voices, of paths. A weaving of musical motifs illuminated by the calls of a trumpet
trumpet, whose brilliance fades over time, melting into the melodic lines.
‘Thirteen point eight (*)
A project produced in close collaboration with astrophysicist Marc Moniez
The events of the story, which are the temporal markers, form the architecture of the piece. Between these
between these milestones are the escape windows. Spaces of freedom, these windows invite us to make poetic and musical gestures
poetic and musical gestures that tend towards abstract expressivity. These gestures of a simple
‘are an interpretation of the scientific argument, inspired by what he has been given to hear (understand).
to hear (understand). id.
Thirteen point eight is the age of the Universe expressed in billions of years.
This piece of music is based on transpositions of electromagnetic and gravitational waves into acoustic waves.
This musical piece is based on transpositions of electromagnetic and gravitational waves into acoustic waves.
of the Universe, the three components of modern cosmology. mm.
‘Beyond the thousand rays’ (*)
Inspired by the poem ‘Der Panther’ by R.M.Rilke, the music is not an illustration of it.
The choice of octophony made it possible to take the archetype of the circle and thus of rotation as a
pattern. Structuring the entire piece in this way, the writing of the space varies according to the different sections.
Rotations as close as possible to the centre, a force, a life turning in on itself. Or on the contrary, the
On the other hand, the spinning opens up the space and allows us to escape from this enclosed space, ray after ray. id.
‘Merlin's cry
The title of the piece refers to the work of CG Jung. Without wishing to appropriate his reflections, the music
the music is simply inspired by it. A structuring and symbolic space with the desire to give meaning to movements
to the movements, creating situations far and near; opening or closing the space of mental images
mental images, caressing the ear or, on the contrary, opening the soul to the vast. id.
Transposition of octophonic pieces (*) into ambisonic stereo: Jonty Harrison
Publisher: empreintes DIGITALes, Montreal
Release date: March 2024
Running time: 74'10
‘Recensioni’, Massimiliano Busti
‘A complex perceptive experience, developed through an articulated fusion of sounds and meanings.
meanings’ in Blow Up, n°7, July 2024