ISCM World New Music Days 2013

The International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) is an important 
international network of members from around fifty countries, devoted
to the promotion and presentation of contemporary music, founded in 1922.


To honour the fact that ISCM started its history in Salzburg, Austria,
and one of the founding members was then Czechoslovakia, the idea
of cooperation between the Slovak and Austrian ISCM sections arouse.


Austria and Slovakia for a long time belonged to one state, the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This gives the two countries years of common history,
even though the historical experience thence gained might be different
for each one. We would like to celebrate this unity and diversity alike through the topic of Gates – gates between the countries, their history and present, between the artists and audience, between the young world of musical apprenticeship and professionalism, between the known and the forgotten which exists in contemporary music…